Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Blog

Well, this is the first entry in my new sports medicine blog. My hope for this is threefold:
1) that I can use this for myself, to keep track of all of the new information I come across on my daily purviews of the medical literature as well as interesting stories;
2) that it will help others who have the same interests as I gain a greater understanding of the issues that endurance athletes face;
3) and that I can help those who are interested in or considering becoming more active to have the best information available to do so.

I have seen a few blogs/websites of sports medicine providers that seem suspect to me; they appear to be more interested in making a quick buck than in providing quality, objective information to their readers. And I don't have to remind you that there are plenty of companies out there that are pushing diet and weight loss products, as well as exercise/endurance aids, based on very little--if any--scientific evidence.

The plan is to pick a topic, hopefully weekly, maybe more realistically monthly, and present information on it from current evidence-based knowledge. I will likely post interesting stories as well.

Some possible topics:

1. barefoot running/running shoes
2. ergogenic aids
3. overuse injuries
4. joint/tendon injections
5. injury prevention
6. current treatments (PRP, prolotherapy, etc)
7. relationship of exercise and immune system
8. concussion
9. "exercise is medicine"
10. weight loss
11. metabolic syndrome
12. diet/nutrition

And hopefully more. I welcome any comments and suggestions.

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